Summer Laptop Plan


All school-issued technology and other materials will remain at school.  Please gather any district items that have been assigned to your child this year, including textbooks, library books, musical instruments, iPads and other devices and materials.


Madawaska Middle/High School students fall into one of these three categories.  See the attachments for details.  The first two groups are to return their laptops in the back of the building between 8am and 11am on Monday, June 8th.  The last group (which contains most of the students) have a choice of turning them in on Monday June 8th, or keeping them until school starts up again.

  • All students who had Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) violations need to turn in their laptops.   See MMHS Laptop Violations (1).pdf below.
  • All students who did not have take-home privileges need to turn in their laptops.  See MMHS Laptop Take Home Return.pdf below.
  • All students who have no AUP violations this year, have take home privileges, have no damages will qualify to take their devices home for the summer. Parental approval forms will be distributed to these students, and their laptops will need to be verified that they are updated and in good working order.